I used to write long Notes or posts on Facebook presenting my thoughts and experiences, and every time I wanted to remember them or share with someone I had to look for them and remember when and where and how. Soon I have realized and everybody around me advised me that it would be better to have my own site, not only for those short stories but also for better presenting myself, my books, and the events that I propose. I am a sort of Jack of all trades, I know a little about everything without being an expert in anything except the written word. I have a tendency to complicate things, nevertheless, I know that simple is the best, and it is better to have a good start.
A good start means turning to an expert for advice and for getting the job done. It pays to have a professional look, to establish your brand name, to make a lasting impression.
Ana-Maria took all my raw materials and turned them into exquisite pieces of jewelery present now on display on the website, still, that wasn’t the most significant contribution, but the fact that doing so she established a streamline for me to continue, a framework in which all my future work can be fitted into.
The technical solution proved also to be the best option even in the long run, and I have decided to stick with it, as indeed it is minimum effort, best results at a convenient price, believe me, I have double-checked!
The best looking and most informative website is useless if is not visible from the first search, and that is ensured by a good SEO engine, and that in itself is expensive and difficult to configure. I am a sort of geek myself, so I know things, enough to recognize a good deal.